Mark Bayers Life Principles Seminars:


We all follow similar patterns but in very different ways!

The reality is this, we typically want to be different from others but in socially conforming ways.   Through fashion, jewelry, careers, activities, associations, or a combination of these, we connect and identify with larger society in personal but direct ways.  We also typically respond to life in basically approved ways.  Sometimes these lifestyles are more reflective of a subgroup but are still approved by a social grouping.  Those who go far beyond the acceptable boundaries are either in jail or are in some sort of correctional institution.  Finding your identity and following life patterns which make you genuinely happy, productive, and socially engaged is important to having a long and rewarding life.  Many follow patterns which they think will make themselves more accepted but struggle in following ideals which are not in harmony with their inherent personality!  It's all about developing a greater self-awareness and following those patterns which are in harmony with your true self.


All problems in life can not be resolved.  Sometimes it is easier to live with some of our shortcomings than to struggle with correcting them.  The remedy of one fault may lead to other problems.  More times than not, we must learn to do the best we can within the mix of our abilities, our opportunities, and our struggles.   We usually just need more affirmation, guidance, and acceptance.  Our two greatest needs are to be loved and to receive approval.  Some change in life is necessary for sure,  it just needs to take place over time, with clear objectives, and with positive motivation. 

What Makes the Best Relationships Work:

1.  work on developing positive communication

2.  learning to effectively resolve problems and conflicts

3.  learning to develope financial harmony

4.  learning to develope sexual harmony

5.  working on understanding the expectations and personality needs of your partner 

6.  learning to forgive and restore the feelings of love and acceptance

7.   understanding the need to develop harmony within your relationship and reduce the need to exert power or control (the need to always get your way is destructive)

  These are some of the primary topics covered in the marriage or relationship seminar!


The material in my seminars can not answer every question that comes up in life, but a foundation can be set which will help the individual better see who they are any why they respond to life the way they do.  I try not to give people answers to their problems but my goal is to give them insights into how to develop their own problem resolution style.  As people take ownership of their own destiny, they can progressively make better decisions. 

To the right is the cover to my new book:

 Foundations for making changes in your life:

 Most people think that they need to make some form of life change every few years.  It could be giving up smoking, loosing weight, dealing with a continual bad attitude, or lacking the discipline necessary to effectively go through life.  Whatever it is, there are several steps which need to occur before the change will ever become a reality.  First, you must be convinced that you need to make the necessary change.  It will require a lot of conviction and commitment to see the needed change take place.  Most people give up their efforts within a week or less!  Having a strong commitment is essential to seeing change take place!  Secondly, you will need a support system.  Most who try to do it on their own fail and fail quickly.  Getting encouragement and support will usually be a significant bonus.  There have been many people who have established new life patterns without a support group, but without encouragement and support, only those with an iron clad will, ever succeeded!   Thirdly, having a plan which you will stick to is essential.  Nearly all who start making changes to their life will have a strong desire to give up during the first 30 days.  It takes at least 30 days, and usually more time, to see the changes begin to break the roots of the problem.  I have read authorities in this field suggest that it takes at least 90 days to effectively see permanent changes take place.  With severe addictions, even more time.  Without question, the longer a person resists the urge to return to their former habits, the greater success one could expect.  Finally, even after 90 or even 180 days, you must continue to be on guard so that as the temptations confront you, you will be able to resist.  I had an alcholic tell me that he has been dry for several decades but he has to confront the desire to drink on a daily basis.  Here are some other ideas:

  • dont go to the places which tempt you 
  • stay away from those who are not supportive of your effort to change
  • develop some new activities which will keep you busy
  • compare what you were to what you are becomming as a person
  • if you have a lapse, forgive yourself and begin again
  • don't speak failure to yourself but speak hope and positive affirmations-reafirm belief in yourself and your goals
  • read about others who have gained victory over a similar problem
  • when you see struggle or depression coming on, connect to those who will see you through your struggle


Pictured above is the cover of my new book. Order it through Amazon.

 Contact Information:

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My newest book will be out by the end of 2022. All three of my motorcycle books and my "Marriage" book are available on Amazon.